Understanding How Clogged Drains Happen

It’s nothing to be ashamed of- most people typically are not able to spot signs of clogging happening even if it’s right under our noses. It’s a common factor that most of us share but it really wouldn’t hurt to understand clogged drains happen so we can make our...

How to Prevent Clogged Pipes

Oh No! The pipes are clogged and water is building up in the shower or sink! What do I do now? Don’t panic. The first thing you need to do is focus on unclogging the pipes. Sometimes a simple session, using a plunger will do the trick and get the pipes flowing as...

How to Prevent Limescale

Limescale is a hard-white crust that forms on faucets, sinks and various areas throughout your house. It often takes homeowners by surprise when they see white crust and don’t know where it came from. Hard water picks up minerals as it processes through limestone and...

Top 3 Benefits of a Walk-In Shower

Adults and children slip and fall in the bathtub every day. This danger has caused sales for walk-in showers to increase rapidly over the years. In the past walk-in showers were considered only for the elderly who had difficulty entering a porcelain tub. But, in...