Best Toilet Paper For Your Plumbing System

Toilet paper is a topic every household deals with on a regular basis. Mostly families disagree on the brand due to specific likes and dislikes. However, homeowners should also be concerned about what the toilet paper does to the plumbing system. If you have been...

Why is the Toilet Running Constantly?  

Do you hear that? It’s the sound of water running constantly. Homeowners often experience this situation while standing in their bathroom and suddenly realizing there is the sound of water flowing. At first, it might not sound like a big deal. But, when you receive...
How to Test a Leaky Toilet Tank

How to Test a Leaky Toilet Tank

The toilet is the most used item in the home. It is also essential that it is in perfect working order at all time. Problems with a toilet that don’t get fixed can lead to flooding the house and the spread of bacteria. If you have noticed any rust, water stains, the...

Common Causes of a Leaky Toilet

A leaky toilet is the one thing homeowners fear the most. A leaky toilet is capable of spreading bacteria throughout the bathroom as well as increasing the water bill. A puddle on the floor or the sound of water running constantly is popular signs your toilet is...