5 Things Every Homeowner Should Know About Plumbing

by | Jan 28, 2019 | Bathroom, Kitchen, Residential

Plumbing is something that most homeowners take for granted. We know need it, we use it every day, but we don’t think much about something going wrong, until it does. Once something goes wrong then people have to scramble to try and figure out what to do. Having provided great plumbing services in the Miami area for over 43 years, we know there are a few things that homeowners should be aware of.

Being prepared for a few plumbing issues can go a long way toward helping to save you money, reduce potential damage caused from a plumbing emergency, and help you get your house running smoothly again. In order to gain those benefits, there are some things you have to do ahead of time.

Here are 5 things every homeowner should know about plumbing:

  1. Not only does every homeowner need to have a plunger in the home, and know where it is, but they need to know how to properly use it. Many people do not know how to use a plunger, but if they do it can help with many minor clog issues. Be sure that when plunging, you have a good seal at the base.
  2. Every homeowner needs to know where their main water shut-off valve is in the home. This is a crucial thing to know in case there is an emergency situation and you need to quickly shut off the main water valve. If water is overflowing, you don’t want to be running around trying to find that main valve.
  3. It’s always a good idea to know where your house’s water meter is, and how to read it. It’s difficult to know if there is a problem with your water bill if you don’t know how to read the meter, or even where it is located.
  4. The toilet has a water shut-off valve, and it’s something that every homeowner should be familiar with. This way, if there is an overflow, you can quickly shut off the water supply to the toilet, and reduce the risks of damage.
  5. Every homeowner should have the name of a great plumber handy at all times. Don’t wait to try and find one once there is a problem. By keeping Mokher Plumbing contact information handy, you will be able to immediately get the 24/7 help you need if there’s an emergency.

Plumbing is a big part of our lives that we may not think about much until there is an issue, but if we take measures to be prepared we will be better off. At Mokher Plumbing, we have helped many people throughout South Florida with all of their plumbing needs. We have built a great reputation over the last four decades.

Contact us with all of your plumbing needs!

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Since 1968, Chip Mokher & his team has provided South Florida with quality service with a commitment to our customers’ satisfaction. Our many years of experience has allowed us to serve thousands of homes and businesses in Miami-Dade County. We welcome the opportunity to serve you, please call us at 305-446-8266 or email us at chip@mokherplumbing.com

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