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Top 3 Benefits of a Walk-In Shower

Adults and children slip and fall in the bathtub every day. This danger has caused sales for walk-in showers to increase rapidly over the years. In the past walk-in showers were considered only for the elderly who had difficulty entering a porcelain tub. But, in today’s world, the convenience, luxury and safety of a walk-in shower are making it a must-have in homes across America. The benefits listed below will help you decide if a walk-in shower is best suited for you and your family.

  1. Safety

Those who have mobility issues such as seniors and young children will benefit from a walk-in shower. An important feature is the added security and peace of mind it provides. Some walk-in shower models have added accessories like grab bars to further assist the user. If anyone in your home has difficulty lifting their legs to enter and exit the tub will benefit from a walk-in shower.

  1. Affordability

The fear of high costs deters homeowners from getting a walk-in shower. Most homeowners are pleasantly surprised to learn the cost is affordable. There are a variety of styles and features to choose from. You can easily afford a walk-in shower by choosing a model that fits into your budget.

  1. Luxury

Homeowners that are looking to upgrade their bathroom often choose walk-in showers. Models often include luxurious features such as molded seats, hydrotherapy, and chromotherapy. A model with these types of features can turn a simple shower into a spa experience.

One of the hidden benefits of walk-in showers is the fact that it provides independence to those that would need a caregiver to help them. Some people feel embarrassed to need assistance and shower in front of caregivers or family members. Senior citizens especially feel a lack of independence when they can’t do a simple task to care for themselves. Walk-in showers give the user their independence back.

Busy parents that have more than one child also experience an improvement after installing a walk-in shower. Young children that are too old for a bath enjoy taking showers on their own. They also enjoy their independence similar to seniors. Plus, parents free up some time in their schedule by not having to keep a watchful eye on the kids during “bath time.”

Now that you know the top three benefits of a walk-in shower, you have most likely made your decision. If you are ready to install a walk-in shower in your home, contact us today!

Mokher Profile PicSince 1968, Chip Mokher & his team has provided South Florida with quality service with a commitment to our customers’ satisfaction. Our many years of experience has allowed us to serve thousands of homes and businesses in Miami-Dade County. We welcome the opportunity to serve you, please call us at 305-446-8266 or email us at




Crash Course in Plumbing for First Time Homeowners

Congratulations on becoming a new homeowner. This is one of the most exciting moments in your life. Surely you are focusing on decorating your house and making it feel welcoming and beautiful. But, have you thought about the plumbing? This is one topic most homeowners don’t think about until a plumbing emergency arises. There are a few basic things you need to know about your plumbing.

Cut-Off Valves

The main culprits that cause leaking and damage are the water heater, toilet, and sinks in your home. It is important to learn where the cut-off valves are located so you can act fast during an emergency.

Since the toilet has more potential to leak make sure you locate the cut-off water valve as soon as you can. It will just take a few minutes to visit the bathrooms in your home and look behind the toilet towards the floor. Cut-off valves are generally located on the left or right side behind the toilet. Practice turning the water valve on and off to make sure it works properly. If you have an older home, chances are the water valve might have rust. Use a protective glove and carefully turn the valve until it easily moves. If it is stuck try using WD-40 to loosen the valve. If it remains stuck and won’t budge, you will need to contact a professional plumber for assistance.

Sinks tend to leak on occasion. Locate the cut-off valve under the sink and practice turning it on and off as mentioned above.

Water heaters are an essential part of your home. They provide you and your family with hot water for showers, laundry, and dishes. Hot water heaters tend to rust as they age which leads to leaking. It’s important to locate the cut-off valve. Carefully look at your water heater and read the top of the valve handle to assure it is the cut-off valve. Water valves are located in different places so make sure you find the right one before attempting to turn it off.

Every home contains a main water valve. It is essential that you locate this in your house. It is an excellent way to stop the flow of water into your house, especially when pipes break. The main water valve is often hidden but you can locate it by contacting a plumber for further assistance.

Learning where the cut-off valves are located in your house will help you stop the flow of water that can leak into your home and cause mold and other damage to your property. You will be surprised how much damage a small water leak can do to your home. If you need help locating water cut-off valves in your home call us today!

Mokher Profile PicSince 1968, Chip Mokher & his team has provided South Florida with quality service with a commitment to our customers’ satisfaction. Our many years of experience has allowed us to serve thousands of homes and businesses in Miami-Dade County. We welcome the opportunity to serve you, please call us at 305-446-8266 or email us at







The Truth Behind Public Bathrooms

Plumbers get called to fix public restrooms on a regular basis. There are a variety of issues that require a professional such as leaky toilets, faucets, and cracked toilet bowls. While plumbers are fixing and maintaining public bathrooms, the public fears using them due to myths about bacteria and germs. Continue reading to find out the truth behind public bathrooms.

Myth #1 – You Can Catch a Disease from Public Restrooms

On rare occasions, there have been reports of people developing illnesses due to contact with an infected surface in a public bathroom. However, those with a healthy immune system are often able to fight off any germ they come in contact with while visiting a public toilet. Those who have a compromised and weak immune systems are more likely to “catch” something if they don’t take the regular precautions of washing hands with warm water and antibacterial soap.

Myth #2 – The Toilet Seat is the Dirtiest Object in the Bathroom

People worldwide take protective measures when it comes to touching the toilet seat. Most restrooms provide toilet seat covers due to this common myth. The truth is, since most people don’t come into contact with the toilet seat, it’s not as dangerous as you think it is. A common item that people tend to forget about is the toilet paper itself. You use the toilet paper to cover the toilet seat and to wipe yourself. But did you realize that the person before you most likely touched the toilet paper with their dirty hands after whipping themselves? This bacteria comes into contact with your skin and can spread illness. To prevent this from happening to you, carefully tear the tip of the toilet paper without touching it directly and throw it in the trash.

Myth #3 – Flushing the Toilet throws Bacteria on You

Truth. This myth is true. Public restrooms don’t have lids for the toilet seats. This means flushing the toilet pushes air from the force of the flush into the stall and spreads bacteria from the toilet. The best way to avoid this is to open the stall door first, then flush the toilet and leave the stall quickly.

Due to these gross and scary myths about public restrooms most people have developed a safety routine when visiting public restrooms. Remember, if you have a healthy immune system, wash your hands with warm water and antibacterial soap, plus avoid contact with germ infested toilet paper and seats. You can also avoid spreading bacteria in your home bathroom by putting the lid down on the toilet and fixing any plumbing issues. If you need the assistance of a plumber, contact us today!

Mokher Profile PicSince 1968, Chip Mokher & his team has provided South Florida with quality service with a commitment to our customers’ satisfaction. Our many years of experience has allowed us to serve thousands of homes and businesses in Miami-Dade County. We welcome the opportunity to serve you, please call us at 305-446-8266 or email us at