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Rusty Water: Find the Source

Homeowners count on their tap water to be clear and clean for drinking and showering. But, what happens when you notice the water has a colorful tint to it? Or, the taste seems a bit off? Generally, rusty water could originate from the public water supply. But, chances are the issue is coming from inside your home.

Find the Source of the Rusty Water

Since you can’t drive down to the public water supply location and test the water, you need to find out if the issue is coming from inside your home. Begin your investigation by going to the water fixture where you noticed the discolored water first. Fill a drinking glass with cold water and set it on the counter. Then go to all the water fixtures in the house such as sinks and showers to collect the same samples. Place all of the glasses on the counter and compare the color. If they all look the same color chances are the issue is coming from the local water supply.

If only one of the samples is showing discolored water the issue is in your home where that water sample was taken. This helps you narrow down the area so you can contact a professional plumber for further assistance.

The Outcome

A plumber will guide your further to fixing the issue causing the rusty water. However, if the issue is coming from the public water supply, you need to contact the public water authority to alert them of the issue. Often this issue is due to corrosion of the pipes. An extensive pipe replacement project needs to be conducted as quickly as possible.

If the rusted water is affecting your drinking water it is best to purchase bottled water until the issue is fixed. Taking shorter showers and minimizing your exposure to the water is also recommended.

A common culprit for rusted water is the water heater. This option often goes undetected since it is usually hidden behind closed doors. If you suspect the water heater has rust, you should inspect it immediately. Look for signs of leaking or small orange rust stains along the top, edges, side, and bottom of the hot water heater. Any sign of rust should be taken into consideration immediately. The water heater should be replaced first, before the contacting the water authorities. Get a professional opinion by making an appointment with us today!

Mokher Profile PicSince 1968, Chip Mokher & his team has provided South Florida with quality service with a commitment to our customers’ satisfaction. Our many years of experience has allowed us to serve thousands of homes and businesses in Miami-Dade County. We welcome the opportunity to serve you, please call us at 305-446-8266 or email us at


How to Avoid Water Pressure Loss in Your Shower

Homeowners often become surprised when their shower suddenly loses pressure. Many immediately think there is a huge issue going on behind the scenes. It’s important to find the root cause of the problem and get it fixed by a professional. The following information will help you prevent water pressure loss in the future.

Pressure Balancing Valve

Before you panic at the first sign of water pressure loss, there is usually a simple explanation. New shower head models often adjust water pressure automatically, which can cause a brief fluctuation in water pressure. This usually goes on while you are showering, but quickly fixes itself.

Another common issue is when someone flushes the toilet at the same someone else is in the shower. Generally, this is due to nearby fixtures causing water pressure interruptions. It’s most common for showers that have a single handle or knob that controls both the water flow and temperature. Investing in a thermostatic mixing valve that provides separate controls for water pressure and the temperature is recommended to prevent pressure loss.

Pipe Issues

Remember earlier in this article it was mentioned that homeowners often think the worst-case scenario about issues hidden behind the scenes. Sometimes this concern becomes a reality. Obstructed and broken pipes are known to cause low water pressure. It’s recommended to search the floors, walls, and ceilings for water stains. This is a sign there are broken or leaky pipes causing the issue. To prevent water pressure loss in your home you should have the pipes inspected by a professional.

Clogged Showerhead or Pipe

Homeowners that realize it’s a clogged pipe or showerhead causing the issue are often relieved it’s a simple issue. To prevent water pressure loss remove the shower head and soak it in a cleaning solution for 10 minutes. Then use a toothbrush to scrub away stains, bacteria and debris often caused by hard water.

Another prevention tip involves installing a water softening system to help prevent the accumulation of mineral deposits from hard water to form in the pipes. This is especially recommended for homeowners who have hard water.

Whether you have located the cause of the water pressure loss or not, it’s important that you contact a professional for further assistance. A leaky or broken pipe that doesn’t get fixed can cause bacteria and mold to grow, plus cause damage to the walls, flooring and more. Take action today by calling now to make an appointment.

Mokher Profile PicSince 1968, Chip Mokher & his team has provided South Florida with quality service with a commitment to our customers’ satisfaction. Our many years of experience has allowed us to serve thousands of homes and businesses in Miami-Dade County. We welcome the opportunity to serve you, please call us at 305-446-8266 or email us at


Important Plumbing Elements to Check After a Hurricane

Hurricanes can have a lot of major effects on our homes, neighborhood, and community. Aside from the emotional and physical stressors that can arise from a natural calamity- financial stressors can also come into play especially when it comes to the repairs that were caused by the natural occurrence.

As much as we would like to prepare for the worst, after a storm, there are also a lot of things that we need to take into account when it comes to maintaining a fully functioning home. Downed lines, trees that have been uprooted from the storm, damaged roofs, flooded streets and other factors can contribute to the slow onset of major issues that can damage our homes, especially our plumbing systems. So now that the storm has passed, what should we do now?

  1. Set up an inspection of your sewer lines

Although it doesn’t seem like the hurricane made any difference to lines located in the ground, storms can actually cause grounds to change and shift. This shifting of the land can cause potential problems with your sewers lines such as detachments or others which may be noticed when you flush your toilet. Another indication of a problem with your sewer lines is the backwashing of sinks, toilets or tubs and even the onset of foul odors which may occur around your drains that could spread throughout your home.

Setting an appointment with your local plumber is the first thing you should do once the initial stressors have settled down and you can begin to make the necessary maintenance of your home.

Also, make sure to double check your water lines and sump pumps.

  1. Inspect your gas lines

Inspecting your gas lines is something that you can do on your own and is definitely something you should do as soon as possible. The high winds and strong precipitation brought upon by the storm, including flying debris, can interfere with gas lines and eventually cause huge problems at home.

Some things to keep an eye on are: the smell of rotten eggs, soft hissing noises emitted by your gas line and of course, holes in your lines. If you notice these things, make sure to contact your gas company right away!

These simple bits of advice will bring you a long way and will save you the hassle of spending hundreds of dollars in maintenance fees. Always keep your family safe whether there’s a storm or not and make sure your home is always in tip-top shape! If you notice any damage to your plumbing contact me Scott Mokher today for further assistance.

Mokher Profile PicSince 1968, Chip Mokher & his team has provided South Florida with quality service with a commitment to our customers’ satisfaction. Our many years of experience has allowed us to serve thousands of homes and businesses in Miami-Dade County. We welcome the opportunity to serve you, please call us at 305-446-8266 or email us at